Esther (Abraham) and Jerry Hicks

Abraham describes themselves (note the referent "themselves" is grammatically incorrect but does convey accurately) as "a group consciousness from the non-physical dimension" (huh?! what?). They have also said, "We are that which you are. You are the leading edge of that which we are. We are that which is at the heart of all religions."

A Quote: We would focus on everything that mattered to us. It is so satisfying to hold a thought and to find the feeling place and then see the Universe conspire to help you receive it. Oh, co-creation at its best."

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The Subtle Implications of Abraham's Exhortations

It took me sometime, and perhaps will take me more to get a clearer understanding. But, the precepts that Abraham puts forth are:

1. Stop creating reasoning- and observation-driven negative citadels of thought because they will imprison you forever.

2. Liberate your mind with the open expanse of possibilities, because really, anything is possible IF and only IF you ALLOW it. Or in other words, STOP offering reasons/explanations/observations for why it cannot happen. STOP!

3. My favorite empowering statement: “If you don’t care that you don’t have it, but are in love with the idea of having it, you have got it!”

Do not embark on building your reasoning-based fortresses. For example, “I will need to get an education to land a high-paying job.” This might be true in a small fraction of the cases (say “Quantitative Analyst” job on Wall Street). I could say that a job comes to a person who has the willingness, capability and enthusiasm to perform it or get it done, not necessarily only to a person with some education. Landing a job of your dreams is a function of “being in the right place at the right time.” In my experience, you cannot consciously force this situation to happen to you. By all means, prepare for it. You can be at some place and hope that it is also the right time.

But, the key point is whether your intention is clear. The clarity and power of your intention is the cue to the universe to “make it happen.” It will. Sooner than later.

Set your clear intention. Give it your attention.

Your job is to focus on the “What” and the “Why,” not the “How.”

Intend clearly.
Attend dearly.
Sooner than later
you shall have it.

Until next time…

- posted May 4, 09:36 am in


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