Esther (Abraham) and Jerry Hicks

Abraham describes themselves (note the referent "themselves" is grammatically incorrect but does convey accurately) as "a group consciousness from the non-physical dimension" (huh?! what?). They have also said, "We are that which you are. You are the leading edge of that which we are. We are that which is at the heart of all religions."

A Quote: We would focus on everything that mattered to us. It is so satisfying to hold a thought and to find the feeling place and then see the Universe conspire to help you receive it. Oh, co-creation at its best."

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Deliberately Choose to Feel Better

Here is a nice story —- from “Money and the LOA

The reason that Esther was able to allow that fuller perspective of Abraham to flow through her, providing her with such a delicious experience, was because she had begun that day by looking for reasons to feel good. She looked for the first thing to feel good about while she was still lying in her bed, and that good-feeling thought attracted another and another and another and another and another, until by the time she reached the gate (which was approximately two hours later), by virtue
of her deliberate choice of thoughts, she had brought her vibrational frequency to a level that was close enough to matching that of her Inner Being that her Inner Being was able to easily interact with her.

_Not only does the thought you are choosing right now attract the next thought and the next . . . and so on—it also provides the basis of your alignment with your Inner Being. As you consistently and deliberately think and speak more of what you do want and less of what you do not want, you will
find yourself more often in alignment with the pure, positive essence of your own Source; and under those conditions, your life will be extremely pleasing to you._

- posted Jun 24, 10:02 am in


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