Esther (Abraham) and Jerry Hicks

Abraham describes themselves (note the referent "themselves" is grammatically incorrect but does convey accurately) as "a group consciousness from the non-physical dimension" (huh?! what?). They have also said, "We are that which you are. You are the leading edge of that which we are. We are that which is at the heart of all religions."

A Quote: We would focus on everything that mattered to us. It is so satisfying to hold a thought and to find the feeling place and then see the Universe conspire to help you receive it. Oh, co-creation at its best."

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Abraham's Explanation of Fear

Recently, I read what Abraham had to say about Fear. I think it offers an immediate feeling of relief. Try it. Just read below, carefully, and observe your feelings.

Here were the key takeaways:

1. Fear is your (emotional) guidance system telling you that you are thinking an "upstream" or resistant thought about something that your inner-being or higher-self does not share. There is your first alert.

2. Now, if you continue to dwell upon this negative thought for a "significant time," then, you will have its manifestation. But, she (Abraham) also says that stray negative thoughts will not lead towards their negative manifestation, only a constant dwelling upon them.

3. Even if a negative manifestation does happen, she says that you can regroup your thoughts, refocus and manifest differently the next time.

3. Most people cannot consistently keep thinking positive thoughts. Use Fear as a guide to immediately change your thinking; make it lean more towards positive things.

She offers a few ways to reach for the relief of better feeling thoughts, which I think are wonderful.

- "I am not good at controlling my thoughts" - instead think, "I catch myself in the middle of unpleasant thoughts all day long."
- "I do know that when I know what I don't want, I also know what I do want."
- "It is not necessary for every thought I think to be a perfectly positive thought."
- "My work is to merely lean in the positive direction. I am doing that much more now than a week (or days) ago."
- "I now see that the evidence I am looking for is an improved feeling (a relief) rather than a changed condition."
- "I also know that a consistently improved feeling will be a forerunner of an improved condition."

Super. I love it!

- posted Apr 26, 02:00 pm in


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